Board Members
Kay Logan-Peters, Secretary
Kay has been a PAL member for over 20 years and has served on the Board of Directors since 2007. Kay's interest in preservation developed years ago through her work as the architecture librarian at the UNL. She spent many years researching the original and historic buildings on the UNL campus, and is the author of The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a pictorial history.
Gordon Scholz, Treasurer
Gordon is a longtime member of the PAL board of directors, having served in the past as president and vice-president of the organization, as well as co-chair of the education committee and co-editor of the newsletter. He currently is PAL’s treasurer and membership coordinator. Scholz is professor emeritus and former director of the Community and Regional Planning program in the College of Architecture, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
William Wood, Board Member
William became interested in historic preservation when he participated in the effort to save Lincoln’s old City Hall in the 1960’s. He has served as a past PAL President and is currently President of the Lincoln-Lancaster County Historical Society. William is a long-time life member of the Nebraska State Historical Society. He owns three National Register properties and other historic buildings and is experienced in identifying, repairing and replacing historic stone and slate roofs.
Eileen Bergt, Board Member
Bio to Come.
jeff Erb, President
Jeff grew up in a small Nebraska town. While many of his friends stayed, his love for world travel, the arts and technology motivated him to get a college degree. While completing his bachelor’s in interior design at UNL’s college of architecture, he met his wife Natalie. For nearly a decade, Jeff was a manager at UNL’s Information Technology Services, responsible for classroom technology standards and budgets. In 2013, he left for the private sector, eventually becoming the Audiovisual Division Director at Bizco Technologies. Jeff & Natalie settled in the Country Club neighborhood and are raising two children, Morgan and Cullen, and two rescue dogs, Mason and Ginger. Today, Jeff enjoys maintaining the family’s 1920s Foursquare, traveling, woodworking in the garage, and trying new recipes. Jeff has been a PAL board member since 2020.
Stephanie Rouse, Board Member
In her role as a planner with the Lincoln-Lancaster County Planning Department, Stephanie focuses on historic preservation and is the HPC staff liaison. For over 10 years she has worked to advance historic preservation goals in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. She served on the board of Preserve Minneapolis, on the events committee for Preserve Omaha, and has completed numerous National Register nominations, reconnaissance surveys, and preservation design guidelines.
Ed Zimmer, Board Member
Ed grew up in Omaha. He spent over a decade studying and working in Boston, earning a Ph.D. in architectural history from Boston University in 1984. While living in Massachusetts he freelanced as a researcher and writer for clients including Harvard’s Peabody Museum, the National Park Service, and Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.
Ed Zimmer served as Lincoln’s historic preservation planner for 35 years, retiring in 2020. From 1996 until 2015, he also served on the LPS Board of Education. He continues to research, write, and make community presentations on our shared history.
Kelli Bacon, Vice President
Kelli is the Certified Local Government Coordinator / Outreach Coordinator / Easement Coordinator in the State Historic Preservation Office at History Nebraska. She works with communities across the state to promote their historic resources and find ways to save them and learn about them. Bacon enjoys conducting site visits to meet people and learn about their amazing historic places.
Amy Dishman, Board Member
Amy Dishman is an NCIDQ certified interior designer, LEED Accredited Professional, and Living Futures Associate with over 15 years of design experience including historic preservation and adaptive reuse projects. Her passion for sustainability drives her desire to restore, conserve, enhance, and adapt historic structures to serve modern needs while preserving and celebrating a community’s history and culture.
Lilly Blase, Board Member
Bio to Come.
Keith Dubas, Board Member
Keith is a registered architect in both Nebraska and New York. Locally he has worked for BVH Architects and while in New York City for Charles Platt and Partners. In NYC his firm’s work was primarily of a historic preservation nature involving restoration but also the design of new buildings in historic districts which routinely were required to go before the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission. For the past 2 decades he has worked independently focusing on Nebraska projects. Keith has been a Board member of The Near South Neighborhood Association and is currently on the Board of Open Harvest Food Cooperative. He has been a resident of the Near South for the past 25 years.