2024 Integration of Old & New Award
J.A. Woollam Company
For the careful addition to the Cotswold Building
216 North 11th Street
Previous Integration of Old & New award winners
2023: Donald Campbell & Dana Walsh, Lincoln Commercial Club, 200 N. 11th St; Nick and Brooke Castaneda, The Kindler Hotel, 216 N. 11th St
2020: Jane and Matt Stricker, The Stack, 1222 P Street
2019: Pioneer Woman Sensory Garden, Lincoln Parks and Recreation
2018: Tom Kaspar, Matt Hansen, and Bob Ripley, Office of the Capitol Commission, Nebraska State Capitol Courtyard Fountains
2017: Blue Blood Brewing Company and Studio 951, Reuse of Robbers Cave
2016: University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Sinclair Hille Architects, UNL East Campus Recreation Center
2015: NeighborWorks Lincoln and BVH Architects, NeighborWorks Office, 2530 Q Street
2014: West Haymarket Joint Public Agency, Sinclair Hille Architects, and Hawkins Construction Company, Haymarket Railyard Canopy
2013: Charles and Nancy Ogden and DLR Group, Inc., Carriage House at the Griswold House (1256 Fall Creek Road)
2012: Speedway Properties and Champion Olson Architects, Salvation Army building (8th & P Streets)
2011: Gregg Lanik & Emily Geis Lanik, BVH Architects, 610 South 30th Street
2009: Voices of Hope and Dave Johnson, Pace & Lally houses (26th and N Sts)
2010: WRK LLC & BVH Architects, Color Court Project
2008: WRK, LLC and Bahr Vermeer Haecker, Architects Ltd., Sawmill Building
2007: City of Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department, Government Square Park Renewal
2006: Riley Elementary School Addition, 5021 Orchard Street
2005: DuTeau Building, 1800 O Street
2004: Jim Abel, 1 landmark Centre, 1010 Lincoln Mall
2003: Haymarket Parking Garage, 9th & Que
2002: Lincoln Parks & Recreation, F Street Community Center
2001: Lincoln Housing Authority, Hartley infill houses on R Street
2000: St. Paul United Methodist Church, Education & Family Life Center
1999: University of Nebraska - Lincoln, College of Business Administration
1997: Cheryl & Greg Richter, 2120 A Street
1996: Charles Trust Housing, 20th & F/G Sts.
1995: St. Francis Chapel, Sinclair Hille/County Board
1994: Everett Elementary School, BVH & LPS
1993: Northeast Radial Reuse Project